Formerly "Neil Stone Updates"

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Neil's Lit. class at the High School is reading Tuesdays With Morrie.  His teacher gave the class an assignment to write a paragraph about how they relate to Morrie and his perspective on life.  Neil took this assignment on with enthusiasm.  Here are his remarks:

Just like Morrie’s life, mine was changed so much by my car accident last year that my perspective on how to live has been changed completely. The way that I find enjoyment has been altered; I now find great satisfaction in watching other people succeed. Another way I deal with my circumstances at this point is trying to detach myself from life, and trying to convince my brain that my current skills are good enough to fulfill my daily needs. The hard part about living this way is merging the idea that I still need to improve, with my previous thought. Living in the present takes dedication, and also some help from others. I feel that I might as well help others as much as I can now in gratitude for the help I have received. By serving others who are in need of an instructor or mentor, I can show how to not be down in life while living through a situation such as this.


Polly said...

Neil this is amazing. It is so inspirational to all of us. I love your energy and desire to live each day helping others, and to look for opportunities to serve. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. We all need help from our fellowman, and should accept help when we need it.
This was a great paper to read. Keep up the good work.
PS Love the garden area from the last posts too.

Trinyan Mariano said...

Neil--you made a really subtle point about the tension between convincing your brain that your skills are good enough AND knowing you need to improve. I never thought about that before. What a great insight that could only come from someone with a really smart and thoughtful brain. You sound like a philosopher dishing out wisdom. Keep it coming!