Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fairview Farm
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Finding Neil--Part Two
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Making My Day
My favorite Mothers Day gift this year was a joke. We've been waiting and hoping for Neil's sense of humor to return, and on Sunday he actually cracked a joke. No smile to go with it yet, but just being able to recognize and create something funny represents some sophisticated cognitive ability. So here's what happened: Because he'd been snacking earlier, Neil was taking his time over dinner, delicious though it was (thank you, Scott!) In an effort to encourage him to eat, Scott told him to dive in--whereupon, Neil put his good right hand over his head with his fingers pointing upward and bent over his plate. In his monotone voice he said, "just kidding." It was wonderful! I laughed from surprise and for joy more than for humor, but it was pretty clever.
Handy Work
Here is Neil helping Eric with his Saturday jobs so Eric could be freed up quicker to play video games. Though Eric certainly appreciated the help, Neil's real motivation was that he wanted to watch his brother play. Since he's not able to work the PS3 controller with his left hand yet, he has to get his video game fix vicariously. It's been interesting to note that as Neil's ability to focus on the screen has increased, he has begun to get some movement from his fingers. He is just itchin' to play! It's going to take some time to get control, but we've no doubt he will have the use of that hand again.
Therapy WorkTherapy began again yesterday. It's been two weeks since his surgery, and we finally got the clearance from his doctor. His therapists were amazed at the progress that took place during that time. He is much steadier and aware than he was at this last session. He continues to inspire and impress us all.
School Work
We took a trip to Neil's school today to check out the contents of his locker and to say hello to a few teachers. Neil was happy to see them and I wish we'd had time to get around to see more. We are currently in communication with the school district to find out what needs to be done to help Neil graduate. It's going to happen eventually, but he is not ready to reenter the classroom situation just yet. All in good time and first things first.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
53 Pick-Up
Neil continues to get stronger and more independent each day. He doesn't need someone walking by his side at all times anymore. His balance is better and he is obviously less fragile. His memory is improving, but he still repeats his questions several times as he tries to remember what we already answered.
Saw a little bit of movement in his left thumb. It wasn't consistent, but Neil definitely had some control. He's very anxious for the use of that hand, so this is good news indeed!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Another Reunion
Neil had an appointment with his rehab doctor so we took the trip out to West Orange again to visit Kessler #1. Dr. G. was pleased to see Neil walking so well and looking so good with an intact skull. After examining him and talking to us about medication adjustments and future therapy, he wanted to show Neil off to his former therapists. Up the familiar elevators we went to visit Erin, Rich, Kirk, Theresa, Alana, Jodi, Fred, and of course, Sherman. Neil looked quite dapper in his hat and jeans instead of his crazy pajama pants. Every one gathered around and seemed so pleased to see him. Poor Neil was a little overwhelmed and had some trouble remembering who these people were, though he did admit things looked kind of familiar.
When we left, we were feeling like a little celebration was in order, so we went to Chipotle for Neil's favorite burrito. I haven't seen him eat like that for a long time! Must have been just what he was craving.