Formerly "Neil Stone Updates"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Teeny Tiny Steps

So, more of the same. He sleeps for a while, then he opens his eyes...or at least his left eye. It takes some work, but eventually he locks on to a face and stares for a short time. If I hold up a sock monkey or a crinkly balloon he will sometimes look over at it. He likes to look at a busy poster some friends made if I hold it up in front of him, but I don't think he's quite figured out what he's looking at.

Teeny tiny steps forward and no steps back. It's still progress!


Anonymous said...

I think we will all take whatever teeny tiny steps he takes!!! I'm sure his effort exhausts him! Again, hooray!

Molly said...

Steps forward are steps in the right direction, that's awesome! Go Neil!!!

Anonymous said...

neil will pull through this - these tiny steps are his way of telling us he's okay and he wants to wake up - it's just going to take time. i'm praying so hard for neil and family, stay strong, never lose hope, and believe in neil's strength. love you neil <3

Meredith said...

Absolutely!!! Every day the girls ask if Fatty is better worse or the same...and we can always say better!

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said...

Tiny steps are definitely a good thing! Anything moving forward is what he needs! Way to go Neil!